A Quick Overview of our Corporate Team Offsites

Our Impactful Offsites are designed for:

✅ Chiefs of Staff

✅ Executives

✅ Team Managers

✅Executive Business Partners

✅ Those in charge of team & company offsites

✅ Those in charge of increasing employee satisfaction

Our area of expertise is in creating the biggest ROI for your offsite. We work within budgets to get the most amount of impact in a short time period. Our expertise is in bringing teams together to connect, have fun together, and create team cohesion, which ultimately leads to higher performance across your key KPIs within your organization.

We help our clients:
- build stronger bonds and connections. This allows the business to set higher projections and increase scalability, which the aligned team operating as one will achieve better than a bunch of individuals.
- create a high-performing team through communication and collaboration in order to increase KPIs & performance in alignment with business objectives


What happens during the offsite?

Clean Up Communication:

The #1 mistake we see clients make is not taking advantage of the in-person time together to clean up communication practices. We spend so much time with those that we work with; it’s important to foster communication where each person feels heard and valued, and that often gets lost in the shuffle without intentional time set aside.

Create Intentional Fun:

Have intentional fun designed to help the team operate more effectively. Common mistakes we see clients make is trying to just have fun and not ground the fun in any learning for the company or spending too much time on stuff that there is not enough time for the joy. Connecting outside the ordinary constraints of the workplace creates a different relationship, including a sense of belonging with the team & a reinvigoration for one’s work.

Foster Team Trust:

Foster an environment of transparency and integrate that into the culture. You think that you can still have success without effective team communication or trust. But the truth is, you’ll have turnover or dissatisfied people who are not invested in your company. Better satisfaction with the team comes from team trust.

Invest in Personal Growth Opportunities:

Invest in a genuinely amazing experience. An experience that people look forward to or look back on and feel reinvigorated is an investment in themselves. Why create something that is “meh” when something that is genuinely fun, feels like a gift or retreat, and is off-the-charts amazing, will do?

Deepen Real Human Connection:

Current teambuilding efforts are failing to create real, deep human connection. They connect surface level. You may even create offsites with tight agendas with a clear goal where you are productive, but you still lack in the fundamental connection. The problem that teams face is communicating effectively to support growth, trust, being able to hold one another accountable, and team cohesion in decision-making.  We solve for that.